Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Other Side of Me

There is another side to me that I have not discussed much here and that is my spiritual side. My spirituality is very important to me. Some of my beliefs may seem unusual to some people. By not writing about what I really feel is hiding a big part of who I really am. I am ready to open that door and face the world and I have a feeling it will be very freeing for me. For 8 years now I have been on a spiritual journey. A journey of discovery, learning, studying and trying to figure things out. The first subject I would like to discuss is :
There are signs everywhere and if we just open our eyes and hearts, we will see them. (and no I'm not talking about street signs!) A few years back I worked at an assisted living home. For the first time I was having to deal with death. One of the men there was getting ready to go home to the Other Side. I was by myself at the home as I often was and having a hard time dealing with it. It was quiet and I was sitting at a table while the residents were sleeping. In sort of a meditative state I pictured angels all around me. In no time at all I could feel them surrounding me and even got a glimpse of one of them behind me, a very quick glimpse. For some reason I decided to get up and put some music on. I grabbed a cd that I'd never heard of before and I put it on to play. The song that came on was Calling All Angels by Train. This was the very best sign that the angels could give me and gave me such a sense of peace and I was afraid no more.
Fast forward 2 years and I'm in SC. My life being the emotional roller coaster that it sometimes is I was once again wishing for that connection that I have with the angels. At that time just feeling them and the love that they give off was just not enough. I needed more. I asked them to give me a sign and I pictured in my mind a feather. The next night I was getting ready to go to bed and I went to lift the comforter up. A feather floated down and landed on me. That was over a year ago and I save that feather, the one that I call my angel feather. No, I don't have feather pillows and I don't think a bird feather dropped it on one of us and we dragged it in and landed on the bed. I have no doubt that the Angels left me this and I'll treasure it forever.

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