Thursday, July 26, 2012

Experience as a teacher

A comment from Lon to my last post inspired me to write this. He says that all that happens to him becomes his teacher. I find this to be very true. After I posted that last become so much more extreme at work with the customers becoming crazier than ever, even yelling at me. I just let it go after it happened and told myself that some people just like to be miserable and if that is the way they choose to be then so be it. It has nothing to do with me. I feel like I am learning to have so much more patience. I am learning compassion from it as well because it's hard not to feel bad for people who are so angry.


  1. I have to agree with that. Life is a hard teacher, but we learn to get along with it, even through our mistakes.
    I am pleased to hear you being so positive about things and are going in the right direction.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ...♥...
    Many people and experiences are here to teach us all something... It is how we choose to use what we receive that matters...we also choose,(whether we wish to agree or not) that we sometimes take on board other's crap... that's when we find ourselves in trouble.
    So good for you for being able to show compassion to those who are not so enlightened.

  4. Good for you; that's a good attitude to have!

  5. I agree, that is a good attitude to have, and keep on reading that book. It is a little gem!

    Hope you are doing well.

