Thursday, August 2, 2012

I don't try to recommend too many books on here but I'm reading this book that I just have to talk about. It is called The Accidental Buddhist by Dinty W. Moore. It is the story of this ordinary guy's journey into Buddhism. It is freaking hillarious! I have found myself laughing out loud many times at the way he writes and thinks and it just very enjoyable. You don't have to be a Buddhist to read it either. I would say this is the most enjoyable book I've read in quite some time. I highly recommend it. If you are into Buddhism....besides the humor you will learn something about it too. He explains it in a very easy to understand way. Great book!

I've been thinking about why I get those angry type of customers at work. After are supposed to get back what you give out. I ask myself if I am unknowingly giving off some type of negative energy? I would hope not. Another thing is that you attract people in your life who are a reflection of am I attracting these people? If so, I have a lot of things to still work on and I will. I was off work yesterday and today but Tuesday was fine....all the customers seemed to be at least civil and I tried to put out a positive attitude.

I've been doing a bit of needlework but can't put any pictures on here. This is not my computer so I don't want to store pictures on it that I save to blogger. I tried to send them from my phone directly to blogger but that was not an option. Anyhow, I made a pair of socks that I will probably never wear because it is too warm in NM for heavy socks. I'll probably leave them here and Lisa can give them away. :) I working on a summer type sweater that I have had to restart 3 times. The 1st time the stitches were coming out too I did not check my gage first. Then I tried to use a bigger needle but it looked sloppy because it is thin yarn. So now....the third time I am going to just make a bigger size and it will come out smaller so it should be the size I wanted in the first place. Solution to problem! :)

Well that's it for now. Hope y'all have a wonderful day!


  1. If you are attracting them--or they are just there right now because of the job--they are there for a reason. What's the lesson? What do they stir up in you? Anger, insecurity, frustration--do they fluster you or make you want to give up/hide/run away? Whatever it is you are feeling, that's the thing they're there to help you work on. :)

    I could never knit to the right size, either. I always knit too tight and things were too small. Another area in my life where I needed to loosen up and never figured out how to do so--LOL!

    Have a good weekend!! :):)

  2. I'm going to have to add that book to my list of ones to read....

    Your comment about attracting negative customers..hhmm...I've been wondering if my stressfulness is somehow playing into Logan's night for thought

    enjoy your day
