Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Everyday Stuff

The weather here has finally started to cool off and it feels so good. Those 90 degree plus days of August seem to be over with. Autumn is my favorite season with the cool, crisp weather.
I made a new recipe last night (Taco Rice) and I was not too happy with it. I used to make something similiar in NM called Mexican rice that was a lot better but I had to leave a lot of my stuff back there and I'm pretty sure I left that cookbook there also. I'll have to see if I can get my daughter to find that recipe for me. When the weather gets cooler like this I like to make things like soups or stews and do more baking. Something that I have not done in a long time (years really) is make homemade bread. I'd like to start doing that again. I used to have a breadmaker but I could never really get the hang of it. I do better just making it myself. I have one of those awesome kitchen-aid mixers so I don't even have to knead the dough, it does it for me. Nothing smells as good as homemade bread baking in the oven.

I just finished reading a book called The Mystical Life of Jesus. That is one great book. It talks about all the inconsistencies of the Bible, how it was rewritten or edited and translated close to 1000 times. It was really an eye opening book, a book that makes a person think. There are also plenty of references that they use to back up the facts. Here is something that I read somewhere.....The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. That is so true! I will never ever want to stop learning, stop researching, stop seeking the truth. Learning is a lifelong process that never ends.
May you all be surrounded by the white light of the holy spirit.

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