Monday, April 30, 2012

Making Sense of Things

In the future, I will be writing whatever I want on my blog. That is what a blog is express my feelings and say what I want to say. I will not censor myself or let others censor me as I have done in the past. And that is that. I admit, it was strange at first being here. The long drive was exhausting, both physically and mentally. I realize I took a risk driving across the country and moving in with a man who I had not seen in 30 plus years. But you know....I don't care what other people think anymore. I just did what I felt in my heart was right. I thought it would be difficult to move back to a state where I grew up and had a childhood that was very unhappy but I have discovered that I am now fine with that because I've put the past behind me. I have been reading one of Wayne Dyer's books and it's about living the Tao. One line it really makes sense to me. "Let the world unfold without always attempting to figure it all out. Let relationships just be, for example, since everything is going to stretch out in Divine order. Don't try so hard to make something work-Simply allow."  So I am just letting my life unfold in the way it's supposed to. The way I feel is that a relationship should not be a lot of hard work. In the past I have tried so hard, tried to figure out what was wrong and in the meantime things just kept getting worse. I think when you have to try really hard to make things work, then it was never meant to be in the first place and it's time to let it all go. When every day is a struggle just to make it through the day, go to bed and get up and do it all over again, how can you ever be the person you were meant to be? I always felt like I was trying to be someone else.....who that person wanted me to be. I will never again let anyone do that to me. I am who I am. I am a daughter of the Universe and I am perfect in the eyes of God/dess and nobody can take that from me. I am exactly where I am meant to be at this point in time. I wish everyone the peace and love that I feel. 


  1. I no longer walk on eggshells when it comes to my blog. I used to worry about what others think and then realized that, not only can you not make everyone happy, but it's my blog and I can talk about anything I want.

    A couple of years ago I posted some childhood memories about Easter--Easter outfits, etc. Some fanatic commented some nasty little things about what should be important to me and called me names. That's when I changed to comment moderation and decided the heck with it. It's my blog.

  2. You have to be true to yourself first and foremost!! Absolutely!! Glad you are happy and relaxed and safe and calm. Life sounds good. Very good. :)

  3. Absolutely; you have to be true to yourself!

  4. So true indeed...We can not all fit into one mold. We can not make everyone happy....and sometimes people need to learn to agree to disagree and just move on....Be yourself and do what makes you happy!!

  5. Barb - I've been catching up on your posts that I missed when you went private and I can see that a lot has happened in your life since then. I'm sorry that you had to go through a terrible time, but so glad that you've found love and the courage to be YOU. As I wrote in a recent post: YOU ARE ENOUGH ♥

  6. Embrace the moment and be happy.
