Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Things are about the same....up days, down days. It is not because of the relationship I was in though....I'm over that. It is because I really have no permanent home and I don't like having to
depend on others. It is difficult to live in the moment when my futures seems so up in the air if
that makes any sense. How can I not think about it? You don't really know how it feels unless
you are living it.


  1. You're entitled to have both up and down days, especially with your current situation.

    1. I live with the realization that one day this will be nothing more than a memory. Maybe life has something great in store for me!

  2. I've been where you are, many, many years ago. When I first moved to the city, I did so on a whim with no planning. Things were really tough for awhile, but they 'did' get better. Your life will get better, too. Use this time of your life as a learning experience. Tough as it may be right now, you will grow from it.

    1. So very true...and I find out that I am learning from this...without a doubt.

  3. Things change that we have no control over, but you will find that things have a way of turning themselves around. Not everything is bad, look for the positive things that you have, and use them.


  4. Ido kind of know how you feel. In limbo. After a break-up years ago I had to live for a few months in my aunt and uncle's basement until I could get a job, car, apartment, and finally move out. It will all work out in the end. :)

    1. That must have been a hard thing for you to go through Rita but you survived! We are all stronger than we think we are.
