Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wow, I just changed my comment section for each post to embedded and it's actually working now. I found that out when I was going to other blogs and I could comment if theres were embedded. Makes it so much easier to reply to comments as well.

My days are so up and down. Sometimes I feel fine and then there are days like today when I feel depressed. I know it's a normal feeling to have in a situation like this. One good thing is that I did get a few more hours at work for next week and I'll be working Sunday where I get time and a half but it is still not going to put me close to what I need to get back to NM. This thought is going through my mind all the time about how I'm going to get back there but I'm sure it will work itself out and I will figure it out.


  1. I take it you haven't heard back from you know who about some money. :(

  2. Can you comment on my blog Celticspirit?? I'm not sure if I have it embedded!??!?
    Keep faith. You will find the means to get where you need to go....I know it's hard, but be patient. I strongly believe that we are all right where we need to be...right now...HUGE HUGS <3

    1. Thanks. I know inside that I'm meant to be here where I need to be, but I am not liking it too much. That too shall pass.

  3. Yes, it will work out in the end.

    1. Thanks Tori, I know that it will.

    2. Sorry Tori, I can't comment on your blog. There are a few that this computer won't let me comment on. :(

  4. We all have days when we feel up or down, but these "bad" days never last.
    There is always tomorrow to look forward to.
    Learn from your mistakes, somethings are meant to happen for a reason, so don't beat yourself up about them.

