Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye to 2007....

Right now I'm cooking some bean soup...well inventing a new recipe anyhow. I'm using a ham bone I had in the freezer and some northern beans. I don't know yet what else I'll put in there but gotta have some garlic, that's for sure. It smells good cooking but as to how it will taste...that's another matter. Sometimes the stuff I invent comes out great, other times its just mediocre.

Well...we finally got some sun today. The clothes that I've had on the clothesline for 5 days now just may dry today. Read this Russell.....We need a new dryer! Well really it's not too bad hanging clothes out and this rain is unusual.

My son is glued to his computer playing He can't seem to pry himself away from it and when we went out for awhile late yesterday....he seemed to have withdrawals. He sits on there playing and at the same time talking to his nephew (best buddy) Joseph (age 11 in a week) who lives in NM. They talk on the phone for hours and hours while playing together in the same game room but luckily we have Vonage so it doesn't cost any extra. Sometimes the battery in his phone will die and he will use mine and then mine will die too. Now he's got a phone with a cord in there also so hopefully this problem will be solved.

Girls bug my son. Thank God. Last night over at Russell's daughters house her two girls ages 10 and 12 I think were driving him batty. Chasing him, throwing pillows, just plain old driving him crazy. He wanted none of it. For now, I'm happy with that. I don't need him being girl crazy at that age.

Crap on latest pet peeve...I'm tired of seeing that teen Miss South Carolina on the news stumbling though her answer to an impromptu question. Why can't they just let it go? She erred and she is human. Whoop Deee Do! Look at Bumbling Bush and the way he often answers questions. And he's our president. Too much nitpicking in the world. People are not perfect. Yeah I'm a Democrat but don't hold his bumbling stumbling against him. ;)
Blessing Y'all.

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